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Fiber Glass Mesh

Fiber Glass Mesh
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In order to reach high efficiency of cold insulation's, all dear employers have known that the final cover of cold insulation should be covered by a protective anti- moisture layer completely before the execution of mechanical cover (Aluminium sheet) .and in order to make this mechanical cover more strong and resistant a specific fiberglass should be used.
The prime material of this kind of tape is E-glass or C-glass which has both good mechanical resistance and desirable chemical resistance. This tape has also a little resin which increases mechanical resistance of protective layer against moisture due to its natural cohesion.
It is necessary to say that fibre glass tapes are produced with different weight and mesh dimensions which all of them can be provided due to dear employers and are offered as below: 


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Address: Unit 1,No 1,Golha St., Paknezhad Blv., W. Sarv St., Saadat Abad Street. Tehran-Iran

Postal code : 1998994891
Phone : +9821 - 22343263       |      Fax. : +9821 - 22346709
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